About Medicupping

About Medicupping®

Medicupping® employs cups similar to those used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but unlike in TCM, they are connected to an electric medical vacuum device. With a turn of the dial, I can adjust the suction, allowing me to move the cups comfortably over various regions of the body. Because the cups are not left in an area for an extended period, Medicupping® does not result in the bruising commonly associated with TCM cupping.

Combined with myofascial release techniques, Medicupping® is used very effectively to release scar tissue and adhesions in the myofascia and even in underlying organs by lifting and separating the layers, promoting greater movement and hydration. It is also very effective at lymphatic drainage, as it moves fluids and toxins out of the tissues and into the lymphatic system. 

Conditions that benefit from Medicupping® are:

  • Respiratory conditions like asthma, pneumonia and COPD
  • Inflammatory conditions like bursitis, edema, IBS
  • Neurological conditions, such as Neuralgia, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s and MS
  • Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
  • Vascular and toxicity issues
  • Pre- and post-surgery conditions
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